Research Promotion Committee



  1. Funding Allocation: Determine the allocation of funds and resources for research projects, grants, scholarships, and other initiatives that support research activities.

  2. Research Strategy: Develop and implement a comprehensive research strategy or plan that aligns with the organization’s overall mission and objectives.

  3. Research Proposal Evaluation: Evaluate research proposals and grant applications to ensure they meet certain criteria for quality, feasibility, and potential impact.

  4. Promotion of Interdisciplinary Research: Encourage collaboration and interdisciplinary research efforts among researchers from different departments, disciplines, or fields of study.

  5. Capacity Building: Facilitate workshops, training programs, and seminars to enhance the research skills and capabilities of researchers, students, and faculty members.

  6. Publication and Dissemination: Support the publication and dissemination of research findings through conferences, journals, and other platforms, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge.

  7. Ethical Considerations: Ensure that all research activities adhere to ethical guidelines, legal regulations, and standards of integrity.

  8. Networking: Foster connections and networking opportunities among researchers, both internally and externally, to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration.

  9. Resource Management: Manage research-related resources such as laboratories, equipment, libraries, and databases to optimize their utilization.

  10. Innovation and Technology Transfer: Facilitate the transfer of research outcomes and technologies to industry partners or the broader community, fostering innovation and societal impact.

  11. Promotion of Research Culture: Create a conducive environment and culture that encourages a strong emphasis on research, curiosity-driven inquiry, and intellectual exploration.

  12. Evaluation and Monitoring: Regularly assess the progress, outcomes, and impact of research projects and initiatives, and make necessary adjustments to improve effectiveness.

  13. Partnerships and Collaborations: Establish partnerships with external organizations, research institutes, and funding agencies to leverage additional resources and expertise.

  14. Recognition and Awards: Recognize and celebrate outstanding research contributions through awards, honors, or other forms of recognition.

  15. Long-Term Planning: Contribute to the long-term vision for research development within the organization, considering emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities.

Guru Nanak College of Arts, Science and Commerce
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